SAINT MARY's HIGH SCHOOL ART PROGRAMLancers Student ArtworkAs Saint Mary's High School is a college preparatory school of the highest standards, its art program has been modified to follow a collegiate studio art curriculum. Adopting a Bauhaus style method of instruction, Foundation classes study 2D Design and Color Theory, while Art Elective courses function as a forum where the student can choose one discipline of several to work with throughout the semester; drawing and painting, digital photography, 3D studio, fashion design, and 2D design and color theory available if the students had not taken Foundations earlier. Students may choose to work within the same discipline over the course of several semesters by following successively higher tiers of study for the medium.
PORTFOLIOStudent SpotlightA special congratulations goes out to Eden Graves for winning Best in Painting at the 2024 Daemen University All High student art show and competition! Eden earned a renewable four year $2000 scholarship, should she wish to attend, for her mixed media Painting, The Uncomfortable Angel. Well Done, Eden!
The Memory Project
This past 2019-2020 schoolyear, we were appraoched by The Memory Project- a charitable organization dedicated to connecting children from around the world through art, and the empathy that it instills in students from the United States for under-priveleged children in less fortunate countries; allowing these children to know that they are thought of and valued. I am very proud of the work that these five students did as part of this pilot program. Special thanks to students; Mary Owczarczak, Marie Rhodes, Megan O'Brien, Maggie Kellner, and Allison Shepard.
In the 2022-2023 schoolyear, we again partnered with The Memory Project to create a series of portrait paintings of children in war-torn Nigeria. The Students pictured for this current iteration are (from left to right): Taylor Johnson, Jameson Dvorak, Laura Haefner, Thomas Schroeder, Olivia Carroll, Danielle Spiegel, Cierra Williams, and Mya Maher. Not pictured but also contributing beautiful paintings to the project are: Shoya Hill, Kathleen Dunn, Nya Ricks, Addison Zimmer, and Natalie Wargo! In the 2023-2024 schoolyear, the participating students, working with pictures of Syrian children raised in a refuge camp were, left to right: Olivia Carrol, Avery Hall, Alexis Brown, Lauren Heinrich, Madelyn Boglev, Thomas Schroeder, Brooke Dobson, Louisa Martin, Cash Pawli, Mackenzie Owens, Caprianna Vendetti (Not pictured- Natalie Schuey) |